Wednesday, March 3, 2010

DJ Ren "Slowgasm"

It's amazing what parties can motivate you to do. Last week I attended a party where the challenge was to create a baby-making mixtape. I've always wanted to record this type of mix, but procrastination gets in the way.

Right around this time, a friend of mine started a Facebook group asking for a new DJ Ren mix. Now I could've gone the route of John Cusack from High Fidelity and put a series of songs together on a CD and burned them. But for starters, fuck John Cusack, and secondly I could use the relaxation of putting together a mixtape.

The new mix titled Slowgasm.

Let me get something out of the way...yes a lot of the songs are painfully obvious. But I'm going for baby making here not a DJs wetdream.

So with that said use protection unless babies is what you're going for. To download click here.